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Hoera, onze Ninah en Fellow zijn de trotse ouders geworden van ons Disney prinsessennest!

Alle prinsessen hebben al een baasje, maar als je meer informatie wilt over ons volgend geplande nestje in 2025, vul dan ons pupformulier in, dan nemen wij zo snel mogelijk contact met je op!  https://forms.gle/61ZyhDGX52EvdEm28 

Voor vragen of opmerkingen kun je ons ook bereiken op 0613374535 of per e-mail: info@beardiefriends.nl

Tot snel!

Ben & Kirsten

Should you, while wandering in the wild sheep land, happen on moor or in market upon a very perfect gentle knight, clothed in dark grey habit, splashed here and there with rays of moon;   free by right divine of the guild of gentleman, strenuous as a prince, lithe as a rowan, graceful as a girl, with high king carriage, motions and manners of a fairy queen; should he have a noble breadth of brow, on air of still strength born of right confidence, all unassuming;   last and most unfailing test of all, should you look into two snow- clad eyes, calm, wistful, inscrutable, their soft depths clothed on with eternal sadness — yearning, as is said, for the soul that is not theirs —   know then, that you look upon one of the line of the most illustrious sheepdogs of the North.

Alfred Ollivant (1898)